Morning… Night.

Time is in your hands.

Time is in your hands.

Morning… Night.

Morning Routine:
Wake up after a decent amount of sleep so you feel rested, recharging and reset.
Make your bed. You accomplished one thing today.
(“Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World” by Admiral William H. McCraven (Ret.) )
Make sure you brush your teeth.
Do some light exercise, yoga or stretch.
Get a shower.
Get dressed – your outfit is ready the night before. (Pet peeve: When I see adults wearing pajamas in public, that projects an I don’t care attitude.)
Meditate, pray, read something inspirational or motivating.
Eat breakfast.
Read your personal emails.
Check your calendar.
Get on the road.

Do what you do for the day.
Be consistent in what you do and what you say.
Eat a small lunch somewhere in there and drink plenty of water.
If you have the chance to walk, do it.
Run errands if necessary, but make it home quickly.

Night Routine:
After returning home, spend time with family.
Eat a balanced meal.
If you are involved in an organization or two, participate and don’t overdo it.
Enjoy some entertainment or learn something new (Genius Hour).
Get your outfit out for the next day.
Wind down. Try not to look at cellphones or computers right before going to bed.

There are 24 hours in a day. Use them wisely.



This is post 9 of my alphabet posts.

Martian Calendar

For the full idea behind my version of the Mars Calendar go to the following page:

Mars Year 34 runs from May 5, 2017 to March 22, 2019.
Below is a file that uses a combination of resources I have found on the web.

I will be adding references and other information over time.
This will include Mars Year 35, 36…

Perseids August 12-13, 2015

On the evening of August 12th and early morning of August 13th, I set up a lawn chair to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower.  The conditions included minimal light pollution and a clear view from 20° above the horizon to the zenith.

I could see 58 meteors over a 4 hour period. Here is the distribution by EDT local time and meteor number seen.

0:29: 1
0:30-1:07: 2-10
1:08: 11
1:15: 12
1:26: 13
1:28: 14 Zenith to SW
1:31: 15
1:32: 16
1:33: 17
1:34: 18
1:35: 19
1:49: 20
1:51: 21
1:51: 22
2:05: 23
2:06: 24
2:06: 25
2:09: 26 left smoke trail
2:11: 27
2:12: 28
2:13: 29
2:17: 30
2:18: 31
2:25: 32
2:30: 33
2:35: 34
2:45: 35
2:46: 36 bright to SE
2:47: 37 To S
2:47: 38 To S within 5 seconds
2:49: 39 Perseid in field of camera.
Condensation on lens. 😦
3:07: 40 heading West
3:07: 41 heading West
3:10: 42 to S
3:12: 43 W to E?
3:14: 44 Stationary flash
3:14: 45 E to W
3:14: 46 E to W
3:17: 47
3:26: 48 Zenith to SW. Flash big smoke trail. Best of the night
3:30: 49
3:32: 50
3:32: 51
3:33: 52
3:35: 53 E to W
3:36: 54
3:37: 55
3:44: 56 to N
3:46: 57
4:00: 58

I didn’t capture any Perseid Meteors with my camera on a tripod.

I enjoyed experimenting with exposures from 0.1 seconds to 3 minutes.
The weather was clear and 59°F to 64°F.
Watching the constellation Perseus rotate counterclockwise 60° around Polaris.
Using Twitter to keep count of the meteors. At the time it was fun, but it filled my feed with fluff. Next time I’ll use a manual 1950’s counter.
Most of all, I enjoyed seeing 58 varied meteors in quiet.